Photo of forest fire by Cailey Mclarry
The Doig River Wildfire is currently being held by crews who are currently working on direct attack strategies which are being implemented on the South, West, and East flanks of the approximately 650-hectare blaze.
Machine guards are continuously being developed by heavy equipment which has required focus on the north and the east flanks, while helicopters are bucketing priority areas of the fire in support of the ground crew.
Currently the BC Wildfire Service is utilizing four Initial Attack Crews, three Unit Crews, 4 helicopters, and nine pieces of heavy equipment to help battle the wildfire.
A response officer flew the fire the morning of May 15 and mapped the fire which can be found on the BC Wildfire Services website, along with current updates.
The Evacuation Order was issued by the PRRD on May 13, and is in effect for the following area:

Photo from the PRRD website.
According to the Doig River Wildfire information update from the PRRD on May 15, 32 addresses are under evacuation alerts and are in Electoral Area B. No addresses are currently included in the evacuation order for Electoral Area B.
This order and these alerts for Doig River Wildfire in Electoral Area B are separate from the Doig River First Nation evacuation that is currently in place, and do not affect First Nations communities or municipalities as they issue their own Orders and Alerts.
For more information regarding the Doig River Wildfire go to the BC Wildfire website, and information regarding the Evacuation Orders and Alerts can be found on the PRRD’s website.
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