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The Good, Bad and Ugly  I am an eternal optimist. The sky is always blue even above the clouds. This does not mean that I deny the bad,...
Legends of Country in the North Peace
The ultimate tribute show was held at the North Peace Cultural Centre last weekend, which featured performances from an all-star cast....
Free community swim days are back!
Thanks to Tourmaline the North Peace can enjoy free community swim days throughout 2025. Canada’s largest natural gas producer is proud...
Snow and Shine on Charlie Lake
The local snowmobile Club hosted a Snow and Shine last weekend on Charlie Lake. Submitted photo Northland Trailblazers Snowmobile Club...
Solstice 2024
Celebrating the Dark Winter Solstice has so much more meaning for me now. On this longest night, as I reflect on the past, it seems to me...
The Ever-Changing Energy Policies of BC
Bear Flat Dispatch December 22, 2024 The BC Government recently announced 9 new wind projects to be built that will produce almost the...
FSJ police seize firearm during traffic stop
Kelly Shular was arrested following a proactive traffic stop in Fort St John on December 20 and is facing multiple charges. Local RCMP...
School District 60 receives $20,000 donation from Shell Canada Ltd.
Recently Shell Canada Ltd. donated $20,000 to School District 60 in support of the student safety training. Shell Canada Ltd. has kindly...
22 new cameras added to DriveBC
In 2024, new technology enabled DriveBC to install 22 additional cameras, providing 37 more views to enhance motorist safety,...
The province reflects on wildfires and building climate resiliency
The BC Wildfire Service collaborated with individuals and communities in 2024, across British Columbia to combat wildfires and strengthen...
How many trees were planted in B.C throughout 2024?
Provincial efforts saw more than 280 million trees planted throughout BC’s forests during 2024.  Caring for B.C.'s forests has...
Blizzard Bike Club New Years Day ride
SUBMITTED PHOTO While the balmy 'South' has its 'Polar Bear Swim' the north / FSJ has its Blizzard Bike Club New Years Day ride. This...
Wonowon Elementary is about to get an upgrade
Upgrades to Wonowon Elementary in northeastern B.C. will result in an improved and expanded school, featuring enhanced accessibility for...
New funding aims to attract more veterinarians to rural areas in British Columbia
A new program will help draw in and keep livestock veterinarians in rural areas of the province while providing ranchers and farmers with...
A few things to do during the Holidays!
1 . Peace Country Christmas: A Hallmark Parody Musical at the North Peace Cultural Centre (NPCC) December 19, 7:30-9:30pm. 2 . Home for...
The North Peace welcomes nine new medical professionals
Northern Health and the City of Fort St. John announced the welcoming of nine new medical professionals into the North Peace. The North...
North Peace says heartfelt goodbye to local watering hole
Local watering hole Casey’s Pub has been reduced to ash, following a significant structure fire on December 8. Seven apparatus and 16...
Bear Flat Dispatch: Life Goes on at Ninety-Nine
The year 2024 has been another crazy eventful year. On a local level, BC Hydro flooded the entire Site C reservoir in less than 2 ½...
The Velveteen Rabbit Poem
The fists pounded on every door in the home. The pads of their feet are rhythmic as the two boys roam. "What did Santa bring me?" the...
My second heartversary has come and gone which means I have not seen the light of day for a long time. Memories and colors have lost...
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