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Solstice 2024

Edwina Nearhood

Celebrating the Dark

Winter Solstice has so much more meaning for me now. On this longest night, as I reflect on the past, it seems to me that in the dark is where the magic begins. Seeds are germinated in the darkness of fertile soil. What appears dormant and cold in the winter holds unlimited potential.

Those dark times in life provide fertilizer to grow and thrive. Reflecting back on pivotal moments brings to light that after great difficulties, there was a period of growth and renewal. Sa Ta Na Ma. Birth, life, death, renewal.

When navigating through the stages of life that become difficult, I have taken great solace in knowing that this period too shall pass. It is invaluable to know the mileposts of life. I have been given the opportunity to renew and rebirth a new chapter with the knowledge of recognizing the milestones and signposts of life. It is comforting to understand the passages and transition periods the journey takes us. .

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the deep grief I have allowed myself permission to feel fully and deeply instead of brushing it away. I have been quite reclusive in my grief but do appreciate my cheerleaders for the connection and belonging they bring with them.

Birthing a new life is hard work. Never in my life has learning been so difficult. I realize now that I must unlearn old patterns and ways of doing things while learning a new way of seeing and doing. This process could be easily hindered by the projection of others' reflections of my life from their eyes.

Lately, I have reconciled that although I have given up so much, I have found places where the light can come in. When I am my true self and trust the process, the

blockages of life fall away, and new opportunities appear just like a breath of fresh air in the spring.

I can see clearly now that my life path has taken a bit of an inward journey of self-reflection as I can no longer see myself in the world around me. I am forced to vibrate the frequency of life that is within me. I am attuned to notice and burn away the darkness within. I do this with periods of inward-facing or hiding in the cave of winter.

Tonight is the night to light a candle and invite the light back in. It may be a single flame on this evening. May your flame grow and light others. May this solstice eve mark the beginning of a period of great peace that comes from deep within and overflows to those around us not yet able to connect with their inner peace.

Edwina Nearhood is a long time Fort St. John resident sharing her vision loss journey. Please remember, every person’s vision loss experience is as unique as they are.

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