Multiple reports of a woman in distress, who was potentially being held against her will leads to a high-speed pursuit through the Cecil Lake area.

The suspect vehicle following a high speed pursuit on July 28. (Fort St. John RCMP media release)
The local RCMP responded on July 28, at 7:25pm to multiple reports of a female passenger who was in distress and potentially being held against her will, in a vehicle traveling through the Cecil Lake area at a high rate of speed.
Frontline police officers quickly responded, locating a vehicle which matched the reported description and attempted to conduct a traffic stop. The operator of the suspect vehicle then collided with the local RCMP vehicle, before fleeing at a dangerous rate of speed.
Based on the known information, local RCMP initiated a pursuit attempting to preserve the safety of female passenger.
The suspect vehicle finally came to a stop in a field, in the Rose Prairie Road/ Cecil Lake Road area. Frontline police were able to determine that the female was a partner to the male suspect who had been operating the vehicle. It was at this point the RCMP discovered the presence of a very young baby in the suspect vehicle.
Both baby and female appeared well, but as a precautionary measure were transported to the hospital.
The driver of the suspect vehicle was arrested at the scene, before being transported to the local detachment where he was released a short while later, on an Undertaking with protective conditions.
Being forwarded to BC Crown Prosecution Service for consideration are charges of Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Flight from Police, Endangering a Child and additional Motor Vehicle Act charges.
The driver of the suspect vehicle was released with an upcoming court date of September 9, 2024.